ACT-LA and Public Counsel have developed a guide for equitable community planning, Planning for an Equitable Los Angeles: A Guide to Shaping LA’s New Community Plans, centered on five core principles we believe will help facilitate community-led planning and equitable development:
- Growth and preservation of affordable housing
- Inclusive economic development that supports workers and businesses
- Community health and environmental justice
- Liveable, publicly accessible, walkable and bikeable public areas
- Community leadership and authentic engagement
Within this guide we provide a series of tools that community group stakeholders may consider in a campaign to advance equitable development in the community plan updates. These tools draw on best practices, lessons from previous efforts, and the experiential knowledge of ACT-LA organizations and resident leaders. We hope that this guide will support community-led efforts to advance equity, inclusion and opportunity in the City’s community plan updates. The leadership and experiential knowledge of affected low-income communities should ultimately drive an equitable community plan campaign. Download the report here.